I like to use Italian bread and multi grain bread, but sometimes I just have whole wheat. I often freeze my bread end slices in anticipation of this. I also make croutons from them, but that's another story. Often the slice next to the end is thicker and harder than the rest of the loaf, and that makes a nice addition too. If worse comes to worst, use store-bought dried cubed bread without seasoning. The original recipe says to use 1 Tbl dried sage and 2 tsp thyme. But Bell's is better, trust me.
Step 1:
3 sticks butter, melted in frying pan
3 cups finely chopped celery with leaves
1 1/2 cup finely chopped white or yellow onion
2 Tbl Bell Seasoning
After the butter is melted, add the rest of the above ingredients, and cook until vegetables are soft.
Step 2:
Pour 15 cups cubed bread (my mom toasts it first, but it works fine if you just chop up bread slices) into a large bowl - a really really big one. Have a big mixing spoon ready (I like wooden spoons, but just make sure you don't get one with a flexible handle). Pour the butter and vegetables all over the bread, stirring at the same time if possible, so you don't get some bread totally soaked and other bread still dry. Or if you prefer, pour some, then mix, then pour again. You decide what works best for you. That's it. Now it's ready to put in both end cavities of a cleaned out turkey. The extra does well baked for less than an hour at the end so it's hot and crispy on top when the turkey is done. This is also good for people who don't believe it gets cooked enough inside the turkey (don't be a hater, this just leaves more of the good stuff for you). If the leftover is a bit dry, pour on a bit of water from cooking the giblets. I'll add more pictures in an edit later today.
Thanksgiving 2020 during COVID Pandemic. We are spending the winter in North Myrtle beach, SC. Just the 2 of us. We bought a turkey breast. We don’t have Bells Seasoning but we bought some seasoned bread cubes to mix in with our own and I sprinkled the veggies with Everyday Seasoning I made from scratch in Berne and brought with us in a little mason jar. I added chopped mushrooms.